“OathKeeper” Game of Thrones Season Four Episode Four


To be honest, this episode confused me a bit. They definitely made some changes with the plot and their intentions with their characters have changed a bit as well, but I’m curious to see where this is headed. We, of course, don’t know the outcome of the story. We don’t know who comes out on top or who dies (after the fifth book), so who knows how the characters change. I’m curious as to why they changed the plots a bit.

Starting off, how about the bad ass-ery of Daenerys. The whole revolution of the slaves in Meereen and Dany just overtaking the city like it was nothing. And then nailing the masters to the stakes, because of their injustice to the children they nailed to the stakes. She’s not playing anymore.

By the way, the little interaction with Greyworm and Missandei is just perfect. She’s teaching him the common tongue and that’s always a great foundation for a little infatuation. I can’t wait for more scenes with them together.

Okay, I officially love the Sansa storyline. Nothing made me more interested in the books than Sansa’s character development. I get more and more excited as her character entangles with Littlefinger’s character. The intrigue, the danger. Where will it go next?

On a side note, I absolutely think that Sansa and Tyrion care for each other. They know that neither of them were involved with Joffrey’s murder and the way they just know each other so well without speaking a full conversation says everything. I really do love the two of them together. Not as a fully sexual relationship like Tyrion and Shae, but a very loving “I will always be there for you” relationship. They get each other and know what it feels like to be a pariah. Nothing says love like having a mutual feeling.

Speaking of love, who else wanted to scream at the screen when Brienne left Jaime and they shared a longing stare. I was like, “WHAT THE HECK! YOU LOVE EACH OTHER! JUST SAY IT!” It was very intense. Sooner or later the sexual tension will be explosive and Jaime will have to ride fields and forests and swim oceans just to say that he has feelings for her and I will drown in my tears.

Moving away from the love bug, I am beyond excited that we have more Bran scenes. I was excited that he finally saw Ghost, Jon Snow’s direwolf, but my happiness took a turn when he, Summer, Hodor, Meera, and Jojen were captured by the traitors at Craster’s Keep. But now that Jon and some of his men are going to kill the traitors, maybe this means a little reunion between Jon and Bran (wasn’t really in the books, but I’ll take it).

And to my last thought, the final bit to this episode. WHAT. THE. HECK. I knew Craster sacrificed his sons to the gods, but I don’t think we ever got to a point in the books where it told us what happened to them. Craster has been feeding the White Walkers with an army this entire time. I don’t know what to do or say. I need another book to know how this is all going to unravel.

Also, to the book readers, when are we going to see Coldhands? Maybe the next episode? Cause he is supposed to slaughter the traitors, but I’m not sure anymore. Everything is so unsettling with these minor little changes. Oh well.

I live tweeted the episode, so if you want to read my immediate thoughts on the episode, go to my twitter. My twitter handle is essiedarcy and I hashtagged the twwets with OathKeeper and GameofThrones.

Until the next episode.

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